Ok, so this is it. What do I mean: "forget about what foreignors have to say about Asia/Malaysia and look at our own backyards." ?
Well, what I mean was we always care about what other people think about us, shouldn't it be the time that we, Asian, tell the world what Asia means to us? What do we think about Asia (and in my case, it has got a lot to do with food).
Besides the demographic details of what Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia is today. I'd love to share with you our roots, traditions (although we being the 2nd to 3rd generation of Malaysian kinda loss the original traditions brought down by our forefathers from either China, India, and other parts of Asia), attire, thoughts, developments and of course FOOD! We may not be the pure breed from our ancestors, but what we have been mixed and matched and turned out to be what we are today - Everything Asian!
What are we gonna do? Well for a start, you will have to bare with me to introduce you Asian food in Malaysia on a weekly basis. Until I've saved enough for an oversea trip, you have to make do with local Malaysian Asian food and places. Deal? Deal!
Then I'll see you next Monday 16 October 2006 for my first feature of Malaysian Asian food...
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